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International Marxist University 2022: 1,800 registered in 100 countries!

International Marxist University 2022: 1,800 registered in 100 countries!

Wednesday, 8 June 2022 

International Marxist University 2022: 1,800 registered in 100 countries!

We are proud to announce that over 1,800 people from an incredible 100 countries have now registered for the International Marxist University 2022 (#IMU22). The biggest international gathering of Marxists this year is now less than 50 days away. A four-day festival of Marxist ideas, #IMU22 will be held online and at watch parties across the globe from 23 to 26 July. Register now and join us in the fight for revolution!

Basque Country: Solidarity with Mugimendu Sozialista!

The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) expresses its solidarity with the comrades of Mugimendu Sozialista (MS), who have been facing a prolonged campaign of harassment and intimidation from social democratic organisations and the leadership of EH Bildu – with the permissive attitude of the Basque right.

Solidaridad con Mugimendu Sozialista

La Corriente Marxista Internacional se solidariza con los compañeros y compañeras de Mugimendu Sozialista (MS) que están enfrentándose desde hace tiempo a una campaña de acoso e intimidación por parte de sectores socialdemócratas y de la dirección de EH Bildu, con la actitud complaciente de la derecha vasca. 

Ucraina – Cento milioni di libri russi andranno al macero

Oleksandra Koval, direttrice dell’Istituto del Libro ucraino (parte del Ministero della Cultura ucraino), ha dichiarato che inizierà la procedura per il ritiro di oltre 100 milioni di libri cosiddetti “di propaganda” dalle biblioteche pubbliche in Ucraina. Secondo il Ministro della Cultura e delle Politiche dell’Informazione, Oleksandr Tkachenko, i libri – tra cui le opere di scrittori e poeti di fama mondiale come Dostoevskij e Pushkin – potrebbero essere inviati ai centri di riciclaggio della carta.



Iran: inflation, coupes et lutte de classe

Depuis quelques semaines, des manifestations spontanées surgissent en Iran. L’inflation, atteignant 300% pour certaines denrées de base, associée à la fin des subventions alimentaires, cause beaucoup de remous. Ces manifestations se sont même transformées en soulèvements, touchant une centaine de villes à travers le pays.