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Britain: An open letter to the YCL – What did Lenin really stand for?

Britain: An open letter to the YCL – What did Lenin really stand for?

Friday, 15 July 2022 


Climate catastrophe vs. super profits: the real worries of the ruling class

The devastating effects of global warming are being felt by billions of people all around the world. Meanwhile, capitalist fat cats are openly downplaying the risk of entire cities being buried beneath the rising oceans as a trifling inconvenience. Like Emperor Nero before them, the rulers of this destructive system are fiddling – this time – as Rome drowns.


Britain: An open letter to the YCL – What did Lenin really stand for?

The crisis of capitalism is radicalising countless young people, who are hungry for revolutionary ideas and organisation. More and more young people are identifying themselves as communists. The youth wing of the Communist Party of Britain, the Young Communist League (YCL) has grown on this basis.

The British Marxists of Socialist Appeal issued a friendly but sharp open letter to the comrades of the YCL, showing how the opportunism of their leaders, and their emphasis on stunts over theory, stand in sharp contrast to the real ideas of Lenin. The response from the YCL’s official channels entirely proved the comrades’ point.

9 Tage bis die Internationale Marxistische Universität ihre Türen öffnet!

In etwas mehr als einer Woche, am 23. Juli, werden Tausende von Menschen aus 127 Ländern (Tendenz steigend) zusammenkommen, um sich der Internationalen Marxistischen Universität (IMU) anzuschließen. Es haben sich bereits rund 4.500 Personen angemeldet. Worauf wartest du also noch? Melde dich noch heute bei der IMU an!

Sri Lanka – Il quadro di ciò che verrà

Sabato 9 luglio, decine di migliaia di srilankesi si sono riversate nella capitale, Colombo, superando il caos dei trasporti. Le barricate della polizia sono state spazzate via come fuscelli e le masse si sono fermate davanti alle scalinate della residenza ufficiale del presidente. E poi sono balzate in avanti. Le masse, nella marea della loro “aragalaya” (lotta), hanno improvvisamente travolto i canali sicuri predisposti dalla classe dominante per tenerle fuori dalla politica. In pochi minuti, migliaia di persone hanno occupato la residenza presidenziale. Nel giro di poche ore, il presidente, che nel frattempo si era nascosto, è stato costretto a comunicare la data delle sue dimissioni.