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The reality of Swedish capitalism

The reality of Swedish capitalism

Monday, 1 August 2022 


China: The Henan Bank Run and the Mass’ Struggle against Tyranny and Crisis

A slew of banking crises, struggles, and repression have recently rocked the rural areas of Henan province in China. Earlier in the year, several local banks declared that customers could no longer withdraw their own savings. The depositors quickly organised a struggle against the banks, which were aided and abetted by the CCP bureaucracy. Despite living under the most technologically advanced surveillance state in world history, the depositors’ protests soon escalated from economic to political demands and slogans. These unprecedented developments garnered widespread attention across China, as many workers and youth fear for their future amidst lockdowns and real estate crises that threaten to spill into other sectors of the economy.


The reality of Swedish capitalism

Whilst Sweden is often portrayed internationally as an egalitarian – even a ‘socialist’ country – the reality is that today it is one of the most unequal countries in the world, as demonstrated in the newly published book, ‘Sweden of the Greedy: how the welfare state became a paradise for the super-rich’. Moreover, as the recent sell-out of the Kurds reveals, the Swedish ruling class are vicious imperialists whose concern for ‘human rights’ is sheer hypocrisy.


The world in 2022: the gathering storm

The following article is based on a speech delivered by editor, Alan Woods, at the recent, hugely successful, International Marxist University. The world situation is characterised by war, chaos and crisis at all levels, leading some to draw the most pessimistic conclusions. In reality, an old order is dying and a new one is struggling to be born. We see that with the revolutionary eruptions in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. What is missing is a clear, revolutionary leadership to lead the working class to victory and to the overthrow of this decaying capitalist system.

International Marxist University: Mehr als 7.300 Anmeldungen aus 144 Ländern!

Die International Marxist University (#IMU22), die vom 23. bis 26. Juli stattfand, hat alle Erwartungen übertroffen! Insgesamt meldeten sich 7.333 Personen an - ein Anstieg von mehr als 1.000 seit unserer letzten IMU im Jahr 2020! Von Bolivien bis Belgien, von Vietnam bis Venezuela und von Pakistan bis Peru strömten revolutionäre Arbeiter und Jugendliche zur größten marxistischen Schule, die die IMT je veranstaltet hat, lauschten Diskussionen auf höchstem politischen Niveau und spendeten über 825.000 Euro, die nun für den Kauf eines neuen internationalen Büros in London verwendet werden.


¡Más de 7.300 registrados de 144 países en una exitosa Universidad Marxista Internacional!

La Universidad Marxista Internacional, celebrada entre el pasado 23 y 26 de julio (#IMU22, por sus siglas en inglés) superó todas sus expectativas al alcanzar un total de 7.333 personas registradas - 1.000 más que en la última escuela en 2020.


