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Tech sector layoffs: the bubble begins to burst

Tech sector layoffs: the bubble begins to burst

Tuesday, 22 November 2022 


Tech sector layoffs: the bubble begins to burst

Mass sackings are occurring across the tech industry, including at online behemoths such as Twitter and Facebook, portending trouble for investors, users, and employees. It is time to take Big Tech under public ownership and workers’ control.


Canada: CUPE workers presented with deal that "badly sucks" – vote no!

On Sunday, Nov. 20, the bargaining team for 55,000 Ontario CUPE education workers agreed to a tentative agreement with the Ford Conservatives, canceling their planned strike. The agreement, which will be put to members for a vote this week, has been widely criticized by hundreds of members of our union, as it only contains a $1 annual wage increase over four years.


Reflexiones sobre la lucha para la aprobación de la ley de humedales

La primera reflexión importante es que esta lucha por detener la depredación ambiental es un reflejo de la lucha de clases, aunque se intente poner un velo a esta idea, queda expuesta de forma muy clara. Lucha entre dos campos antagónicos en pugna, por un lado, los capitalistas Baggio, Aranda y otros, por otro lado, las organizaciones de la clase obrera, ambientalistas y partidos de la clase trabajadora.

Βραζιλία: η εκλογική νίκη του Λούλα και ο αγώνας ενάντια στον «μπολσοναρισμό»

Αρθρο ανάλυσης της Διεθνούς Μαρξιστικής Τάσης για τα αποτελέσματα του β' γύρου των προεδρικών εκλογών στη Βραζιλία και την αναγκαιότητα κινητοποίησης του εργατικού κινήματος ενάντια στους αντιδραστικούς υποστηρικτές του Μπολσονάρο.

La caduta di Kherson: cosa comporta per la guerra in Ucraina?

Quando il ministro della difesa russo è apparso sui media di Stato per annunciare di avere dato l’ordine della ritirata dalla riva occidentale del fiume Dnipro, abbandonando anche la città di Kherson, che si trova sulla riva orientale, la notizia è stata subito salutata dai media occidentali come una grande vittoria per l’esercito ucraino.