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Liberal democracy: fighting back or fracturing?

Liberal democracy: fighting back or fracturing?

Thursday, 24 November 2022 


Liberal democracy: fighting back or fracturing?

“This was the year liberal democracy fought back,” declared Janan Ganesh, a particularly dull-witted columnist for the Financial Times on 15 November. The argument put forward by the FT’s international politics correspondent is that, following a period of chaos in which the ‘sensible political establishment’ was heavily discredited, 2022 has been the best year for liberalism in a long time.


FTX and the crypto collapse: the bubble bursts, but the gambling goes on

Investors are calling time on cryptocurrencies, following the downfall of the FTX exchange and its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried. But this episode is only the latest in a long line of speculative bubbles – a symptom of the insanity of capitalism.

Canada: La minaccia di uno sciopero generale sconfigge la legislazione “back-to-work”

Per la prima volta, i lavoratori canadesi hanno imposto il ritiro della legislazione “back-to-work” [che in Canada rende illegale uno sciopero].

Irã: movimento se organiza sob o chicote da contrarrevolução

Mais de dois meses desde o início da revolta revolucionária da juventude iraniana, após um refluxo sob forte repressão, uma nova rodada de protestos ocorreu entre 16 e 19 de novembro, que mostram o chicote da contrarrevolução impulsionando o movimento. Para que a vitória final seja alcançada, deve haver uma participação massiva e organizada da classe trabalhadora!

Восхождение фашизма в Италии: 100 лет со дня марша на Рим

Прошло столетие с тех пор, как итальянский капиталистический класс передал власть фашистам Бенито Муссолини. Ниже мы приводим серию статей итальянской секции ММТ Sinistra Classe Rivoluzione о событиях, предшествовавших печально известному «Маршу на Рим» Муссолини, первые три из которых приведены ниже (а четвертая скоро будет доступна на итальянском языке на их сайте). Нам необходимо усвоить уроки прихода фашизма к власти в Италии, которому способствовали предательства и ошибки лидеров рабочих.