In Defence of October

Study the lessons of the Russian Revolution

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薩爾瓦多國內弗洛倫齊工業公司(Industrias Florenzi)的勞工正在與他們的老板和國家機器抗爭,對抗不當關廠和欠薪。請將您的聲援發送到,並在社交媒體上發布聲援宣言,附上圖片和影音,並標簽為#SolidaridadObrerasFlorenzi。

2020年3月16日,薩爾瓦多政府宣布實行全國封鎖,這意味著當地資本家可以趁勢削減工資,不繳納工人們社會保障金,甚至完全關閉一些工廠。由資本家洛佩茲(Sergio Lopez)所擁有的弗洛倫齊工業公司就是如此。洛佩茲將他的全部員工(200多名工人)以配合封鎖為由送回家。而這些勞工在去年3月、4月、5月和6月之間都沒有拿到工資。7月1日,他們被裁員,而資方則關閉了所有業務。工人們表示,資方拖欠的賠償金和工資高達50萬美元。





弗洛倫齊勞工的抗爭表達了當下布格磊(Nayib Bukele)政府的謊言和失敗。他們不僅放棄而且攻擊勞工所發起的抗爭。通過布格磊的勞工部長卡斯特羅(Rolando Castro)歪曲現實,政府在社交媒體上指責這些婦女勞工是由反對黨操作的。這是一種反動和無恥的行為。



激進的薩爾瓦多工會聯盟(The Salvadoran Trade Union Coordinator)早在這場戰鬥開始之前,就一直對勞工同志們的鬥爭保持著不間斷的、積極的支持。另一方面,以法拉本多·馬蒂民族解放陣線(FMLN)為代表的左派議會政黨卻在國會對當局中提出不痛不癢的訴求,盲目地相信體制和資產階級法律程序,既不動員團結,也不進行議會外的鬥爭。


我們賽爾瓦多人民青年團(Bloque Popular Juvenil,國際馬克思主義趨勢賽爾瓦多支部)自去年7月以來持續在聲援弗洛倫齊勞工的抗爭,傳播工人同志們的訊息,記錄他們的鬥爭,並在全國和全中美洲各地與盡可能多的工會和組織聯系。在每一次集會、活動和組織網絡之間的會議上,我們都在鼓動團結,譴責侵犯弗洛倫齊工人勞動權利的行為,揭露現今體制及其法律和機構的虛偽,我們將繼續不斷地堅持,直到取得工人的勝利。













The February Revolution
Strikes and protests erupt on women's day in Petrograd and develop into a mass movement involving hundreds of thousands of workers; within 5 days the workers win over the army and bring down the hated and seemingly omnipotent Tsarist Monarchy.
Lenin Returns
Lenin returns to Russia and presents his ‘April Theses’ denouncing the Bourgeois Provisional Government and calling for “All Power to the Soviets!”
The June Days
Following the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the reformist leaders called a demonstration to show the strength of "democracy". 400,000 people attended, the vast majority carried banners with Bolshevik slogans.
The July Days
Spontaneous, armed demonstrations against the Provisional Government erupt in Petrograd. The workers and soldiers are suppressed by force, introducing a period of reaction and making the peaceful development of the revolution impossible.
The Kornilov Affair
Following the July days, the Bolsheviks were driven underground and the forces of reaction were emboldened. This process culminated in the reactionary forces coalescing around General Kornilov, who attempt to march on Petrograd and crush the revolutionary movement in its entirety.
The October Revolution
The Provisional Government is overthrown. State power passes to the Soviets on the morningm of 26th October, after the Bolsheviks’ Military Revolutionary Committee seize the city and the cabinet surrenders.
  • V. I. Lenin

    V. I. Lenin

    "The dominating trait of his character, the feature which constituted half his make-up, was his will..."
  • L. Trotsky

    L. Trotsky

    “Astounding speeches, fanfares of orders, the unceasing electrifier of a weakening army.”
  • G. Plekhanov

    G. Plekhanov

    "In the final analysis the brilliant aspects of Plekhanov’s character will endure forever."
  • G. O. Zinoviev

    G. O. Zinoviev

    "Zinoviev has won the reputation of being one of the most remarkable orators – a difficult feat."
  • Y. M. Sverdlov

    Y. M. Sverdlov

    “He did not die on the field of battle, but we are right to see him as a man who gave his life for the cause.”
  • V. Volodarsky

    V. Volodarsky

    “He was always to be seen in the front row, the on-the-spot leader. So, they killed him.”
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Reading Guides

  • The 1917 February Revolution

    The 1917 February Revolution

    The February Revolution saw a mass strike develop from below at a furious pace which posed the question of state power within a week of its inception. Workers in Petrograd took to the streets against intolerable bread shortages, the slaughter
  • Lenin Returns in April

    Lenin Returns in April

    This reading guide contains some of Lenin’s most important writings and speeches made in the April period, accompanied by works which provide further details of events at that stage of the Revolution.
  • The June Days 1917

    The June Days 1917

    This reading guide informs the May-June period of the Revolution with analysis, accounts of those who were involved and important speeches and writings of the time.
  • The July Days 1917

    The July Days 1917

    This selection of texts covers the background, events and consequences of the July Days. Next, we will turn our attention to one of those consequences – the Kornilov putsch in late August.
  • The Kornilov affair

    The Kornilov affair

    Kornilov’s failed coup brought the direct action of the masses into play again, and proved to them once and for all that they were the only force in society capable of transforming their own living conditions. For the first time,
  • The October Insurrection 1917

    The October Insurrection 1917

    The following series of articles provides in-depth analyses and first-hand accounts of the events immediately preceding, during and after the greatest event in human history: the October Revolution, in addition to reflections on its aftermath.
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