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France: neither one, nor the other!

France: neither one, nor the other!

‍Monday, 11 April 2022 

France: neither one, nor the other!

The first round of the French presidential election has turned out as Macron had hoped, and as he had prepared for a long time. In 2017, Macron won 66% of the vote against Le Pen in the second round. Millions of voters who had voted for Mélenchon or Hamon at that time in the first round, mobilised to “block the far right” in the second round. For five years, the Head of State has been aiming for the repetition of this scenario.

Greece: 6 April general strike – conclusions and next steps

On Wednesday 6 April, hundreds of thousands of workers from all over Greece responded to the call of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and the Civil Servants' Confederation (ADEDY) to join a 24-hour general strike. Tens of thousands of workers, along with unemployed citizens and youth, participated in strike rallies organised in over 70 cities.

Sign up for International Marxist University 2022: ideas to change the world!

The world is in a period of deep crisis. Capitalism and its apologists have proven unable to explain or resolve the problems facing the working class everywhere. Only the ideas of Marxism offer an explanation and a way out. It is for this reason that we are proud to announce the launch of the International Marxist University 2022, a four-day online event organised by the International Marxist Tendency, dedicated to discussing the core ideas of Marxist theory and how we can use them to change the world.

USA: Interview mit Chris Smalls: Die Arbeiterbewegung ist erwacht!

Am 1. April 2022 stimmten die ArbeiterInnen des Logistikzentrums JFK8 in Staten Island (New York) dafür, als erster US-Standort von Amazon gewerkschaftlich organisiert zu werden. Jose del Paso und Tom Trottier von Socialist Revolution (der IMT in den USA) interviewten genau vor einem Jahr Chris Smalls, einer der zentralen Organisatoren dieses historischen Erfolgs. Das Interview zeigt die ausbeuterischen Arbeitsbedingungen bei Amazon ebenso gut auf wie der Kampf dagegen auf und erlaubt einen guten Einblick in das Bewusstsein und Stimmung von klassenkämpferischen Aktivisten wie Smalls.       

Inscreva-se na Universidade Marxista Internacional 2022: ideias para transformar o mundo!

O mundo está em um período de profunda crise. O capitalismo e seus apologistas mostraram-se incapazes de explicar ou resolver os problemas enfrentados pela classe trabalhadora em todos os lugares. Somente as ideias do marxismo oferecem uma explicação e uma saída. É por esta razão que temos o orgulho de anunciar o lançamento da Universidade Marxista Internacional 2022, um evento online de quatro dias organizado pela Corrente Marxista Internacional (CMI), dedicado a discutir as ideias centrais da teoria marxista e como podemos usá-las para mudar o mundo.

Balance de las elecciones en Francia: ¡Ni Macron ni Le Pen!

El resultado de la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales está en línea con lo que el macronismo quería y preparaba desde hace mucho tiempo. En 2017, Macron obtuvo el 66% de los votos frente a Le Pen en la segunda vuelta. Millones de electores que votaron por Mélenchon o Hamon, en la primera vuelta, se movilizaron en la segunda para "bloquear a la extrema derecha". Desde hace cinco años, el Jefe de Estado apunta a la repetición de este escenario.

Greece: 6 April general strike – conclusions and next steps

On Wednesday 6 April, hundreds of thousands of workers from all over Greece responded to the call of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and the Civil Servants' Confederation (ADEDY) to join a 24-hour general strike. Tens of thousands of workers, along with unemployed citizens and youth, participated in strike rallies organised in over 70 cities.

Ni l’un, ni l’autre !

Le résultat du premier tour de l’élection présidentielle est conforme à ce que la Macronie souhaitait et préparait de longue date. En 2017, Macron recueillait 66 % des voix face à Le Pen, au deuxième tour. Des millions d’électeurs ayant voté Mélenchon ou Hamon, au premier tour, s’étaient mobilisés au deuxième pour « faire barrage à l’extrême droite ». Depuis cinq ans, le chef de l’Etat vise la répétition de ce scénario.