Early Day Motion by John McDonnell on arrest of Iranian bus workers' leader

John McDonnell, the left-wing Labour MP, raised in the British parliament the question of the arrest of Mansour Ossanlou and the maltreatment of Tehran bus workers. John McDonnell, the left-wing Labour MP, raised in the British parliament the question of the arrest of Mansour Ossanlou and the maltreatment of Tehran bus workers.


McDonnell, John

That this House notes with great concern reports that Mansour Ossanlou, the leader of the Vahed Bus Company Trade Union in Tehran, was abducted by plain-clothes agents after a violent assault, that these agents presented no arrest warrants or identity papers, and that during this assault they also pointed a gun at Ebrahim Madadi, Mr Ossanlou's deputy, and shot a bullet over his head; urges the Iranian government to release Mr Ossanlou unconditionally, including revoking the bail that is equivalent to 125 years' wages; and therefore calls upon the Government to press the Iranian government to respect trade union rights and International Labour Organisations conventions.