Report on the protest picket of the Mexican Embassy in Greece

As part of our campaign of international solidarity action against the electoral fraud in Mexico, the comrades in Greece picketed the Mexican Embassy in Athens. 

We visited the Mexican embassy in Athens, but the personnel of the embassy were not there, because of the National Holiday in Mexico. We left our letter of protest with the guard of the Embassy and picketed the embassy for a short while.

Picket of Mexican Embassy in Athens

The protest letter was signed, among others, by the vice-president of the GSEE (Greek Trade Union Confederation) Alekos Kalivis and one ex-member of the Greek Parliament, Panagiotis Lafazanis.

The letter stated the following:

"We protest against the symptoms of state repression in Mexico against the mass movement which denounced the electoral fraud in your country.

We demand from the Mexican government that it stop immediately the provocative accusations against the democratic organs of this movement, such as APPO in Oaxaca state, and against the militants of the PRD such as the supporters of the paper "El Militante'", which is being used to create the necessary mood for violence and illegal actions on the part of the paramilitary elements."

Signed by 26 members of trade unions and of left organisations and parties