Support the work of the IMT in the Arab speaking world!

Since the beginning of the year, comrades from around the world have contributed €2,268 to help our work in the Arab world. We are still have some way to reach our target and would ask comrades to consider making a contribution.

We would like to thank the comrades who have contributed: JR from Norway who gave £50, RM, MT and NM from Britain who gave £200, £20 and £32 respectively, JB, DE and GC from the US who gave £10, £2 and £5, and, finally, comrade FL from Brazil who donated £10. Then we have a supporter from Spain who has promised an extraordinary donation of €1,000 to add to the contributions from DC, RA and MG (€20 each). On top of that supporters in Switzerland have collected €100 and comrades in Austria €610. The CLEP-CEDEP student organisation in Mexico has also donated $165.

Text of original appeal:

The IMT has covered the Arab revolution since its first days. It has provided not only information but more importantly analysis and a revolutionary socialist perspective on a day to day basis. This is appreciated internationally. The visits from North of Africa to the IMT website In Defence of Marxism for instance have increased by 125 % and we receive positive reactions from almost all the countries in the Middle East. More importantly the IMT is actively intervening in the stormy events. Links have been established with individual revolutionaries and groups in different countries of the region.

Our comrades in Morocco, of the Communist League of Action organised around the website and the paper The Communist, have done sterling work and have been in the forefront of many of the actions against the dictatorship. The website has in reality become the Arab voice of the IMT. Some of our comrades have been subjected to harassment, detention and sometimes also brutal torture at the hands of the police. [See: Morocco: solidarity with the victims of repression!]

In order to strengthen the intervention of our comrades in Morocco we need the necessary finances. Although the comrades regularly raise money from the movement itself, the building of our forces needs extra financing. Transport and printing costs are the most important expenses.

That is why we are making an appeal to all our readers and supporters to raise money to finance the necessary printing equipment. The overall target is to raise €5000, a small amount compared to the huge sums the rich are investing to keep alive their rotten system in the Arab countries. The imperialists around the world rush in to help their friends the Arab dictators to save them from the anger of their own people. In the same manner socialists, communists worldwide need to give support to the revolutionary forces in the region.

So donate generously now!

How to donate?

You can donate online via PayPal:

Or donate through our secure server via the Wellred website. Please enter the amount in British Pounds that you wish to donate and press "add to cart":


Donate by post

You can also make a donation by post. Send cheques (from Britain) or International Money Orders (from the rest of the world) to:

Socialist Appeal,
PO Box 50525,
London, E14 6WG

(Make cheques payable to "International Solidarity Club")