
The Musharraf regime wants to privatise Pakistan Steel Mills, the largest industrial complex in the country. The workers at the plant have started a struggle against the privatisation attempt. Discontent among the workers is increasing day by day, and there is now a mood and desire to unite all the trade unions on a single point agenda: “unite to fight and fight to win”. Read the article on the PTUDC website.

Dozens of journalists have been beaten and detained in Islamabad, with police charging the journalists in Lahore. The journalists have staged a sit-in outside Governor House in Karachi, as countrywide rallies were held in Pakistan called by the PFUJ to observe International Press Freedom Day.

The working class in Pakistan is on the move after decades of inactivity. The Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign (PTUDC) organized for May Day on a national level. There was widespread participation of workers, trade union leaders, political activists and youth in the May Day events in 26 different cities. We present here a detailed report of the events.

The arrest, and subsequent release, of comrade Manzoor, the Marxist MP in Pakistan, together with other MPs and thousands of PPP workers and activists was covered by the main TV channels and newspapers in the country. The masses will not forget who the real opponents of the regime are.

The arrest, and subsequent release, of comrade Manzoor, the Marxist MP in Pakistan, together with other MPs and thousands of PPP workers and activists was covered by the main TV channels and newspapers in the country. The masses will not forget who the real opponents of the regime are.

With a deep sense of sadness we learned of the death of Della Clyne following a short struggle with cancer. Although she was not known to many comrades, Della was a very remarkable woman with a passionate nature and an open and inquiring mind. She was not young in years but she seemed to be eternally young in spirit and possessed a tremendous and infectious enthusiasm that communicated itself to everyone near her.

On Monday 26th of July we published an Urgent Appeal against the brutal attack which took place in Lahore on  July 23, 2004. We recieved many protest mails from all over the world and we would like to thank all of you for your international solidarity. We also recieved a message from Pakistan with a new list of e-mails where protest mails should be sent.

On Monday 26th of July we published an Urgent Appeal against the brutal attack which took place in Lahore on  July 23, 2004. We recieved many protest mails from all over the world and we would like to thank all of you for your international solidarity. We also recieved a message from Pakistan with a new list of e-mails where protest mails should be sent.

Hundreds of fundamentalists belonging to the most notorious religious organisation, Islami Jamiat Tulba (an outfit of Jamat Islami), attacked our comrades in the heart of the provincial capital Lahore. This happened while the comrades were engaged in registering the unemployed youth.

Hundreds of fundamentalists belonging to the most notorious religious organisation, Islami Jamiat Tulba (an outfit of Jamat Islami), attacked our comrades in the heart of the provincial capital Lahore. This happened while the comrades were engaged in registering the unemployed youth.

To justify their war in Iraq the imperialists have found so-called erudite and intelligent professors to come up with the idea of the  "The Clash of Civilizations". One of these is Francis Fukuyama and the other is Samuel P. Huntington. They have both worked in the US Foreign Office. Lal Khan's looks into their arguments and presents a class-based critique, a Marxist response.