Swaziland Solidarity Appeal

We have received the following solidarity appeal from the Swaziland Solidarity Network. Swaziland has been under state of emergency since 1973. In the last few days a number of leading activists of the Swaziland Youth Congress have been arrested and tortured. In protest a group of trade unionists and left activists have now occupied the US embassy in the capital. We appeal to all labour movement, youth and left-wing activists to express their solidarity with the Swazi comrades and protest against the repressive actions of the regime.

Dear comrades,

We have received the following solidarity appeal from the Swaziland Solidarity Network. Swaziland has been under state of emergency since 1973 (political parties are banned and there are severe restrictions to the all fundamental democratic rights) and under the rule of a semi-feudal king. In the last few years the Swazi masses have defied repression, torture and murder to fight against the regime. The Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions has played a crucial role calling a number of successful general strikes against the policies of the reactionary tinkhundla regime, the latest one in October 2000. We appeal to all labour movement, youth and left-wing activists to express their solidarity with the Swazi comrades and protest against the repressive actions of the government.

Comradely yours,

In Defence of Marxism

Swaziland Solidarity Network
Tel: + 27 11 339 3633/22 Fax: + 27 11 339 6680
7th floor-SSN Office - COSATU House
e-mail: sacp1@sn.apc.org

October 24, 2000

Contact us to get copies of Inside Swaziland- An update on the Swazi front by the Swaziland Solidarity Network

University Students occupy American embassy

American embassy occupied by University students and the victims of royal eviction-while Swazi media has been banned from reporting on the crisis

Yesterday evening President of the University Students Representative Council-Cde Sive Manana together with Swaziland Youth Congress (SWAYOCO) NEC member-Cde Manyovu Mnisi, who is also a University student were arrested at 5.00pm and taken to police station for torture and interrogation. They were also asked the whereabouts of Cde Sandile Phakathi-SWAYOCO NEC member and People's United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) member, who is wanted by police for his role in organising students and workers for resistance.

This morning, students from the University and some of the victims of royal evictions supported by SWAYOCO, PUDEMO, SNAT (Swaziland National Association of Teachers), SFTU (Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions) and other progressive organisations' members have resorted to a sit-in strike at the American embassy in Mbabane, Swaziland. Key amongst them is Sive Manana-President of the University SRC and Penuel Malinga-Deputy President of SWAYOCO who were both arrested and released yesterday after serious torture which crippled their bodies.

Mswati's arrogance continues unabated. The Swaziland Solidarity Network has embarked on a campaign to demand the isolation of Swaziland through economic and political sanctions, and the immediate closure of the Swazi embassy in Pretoria. We shall be soon marching to Pretoria to make clear this demand. We also call for SADC to stop being hypocritic and act NOW! Swaziland must be suspended from SADC with immediate effect. This is campaign is called operation 'isolate Swaziland'.

The Swaziland Solidarity Network is preparing for a General meeting which shall be announced immediately after the executive meeting of today.

The Swazi media has been totally banned from reporting about this matter by King Mswati.

Fraternally yours,

Bongani Masuku
Secretary General

NB: For more details contact the above-mentioned numbers

"Be capable of feeling deep within, the suffering of other people anywhere in the world"--Che

Messages of protest to:
Mr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini
PO Box 395
email: pmppcu@realnet.co.sz

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