[Classics] Socialism and War

Lenin decided to write the pamphlet Socialism and War (The Attitude of the R.S.D.L.P. Towards the War) in connection with the preparations for the First International Socialist Conference. G. Y. Zinoviev helped write the pamphlet, though most of it was drawn up by Lenin, who, moreover, edited the entire text. The pamphlet was published in German in September 1915 and distributed among the delegates to the Zimmerwald Socialist Conference. 

Written: Written in July—August 1915
Published: Published in pamphlet form in the autumn of 1915 by the Sotsial-Demokrat Editorial Board in Geneva. Published according to the pamphlet text.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Foreign Languages Press, 1970, Peking, Volume 21, pages 295-338.
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive (2005).
Marxist.com version: Proofread/edited November 2019


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